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Chuck Johnson wins FCC Fall Classic

Chuck Johnson won with 4.5, with Chuma Ikeorha and Bill Orton tying for second and third. Bill was leading going into the last round, but Chuma punished an unwise pawn grab and won quickly.

Complete official standings and results.


Here I got a great position out of an Advance French, putting my opponent into a straighjacket.


Mystery Man wins Arkansas Championship

Congratulations to the new Arkansas champion, Jonathan Hrach. He went undefeated, and beat Tennessee master Graham Horobetz in the process. Recently moved to northwest Arkansas to work at Walmart, Jonathan is over 2300, the highest rated player in the state. All we know about him is that he used to fly dirtbikes, and he's a really strong player.

Top Ten. Full crosstable here.

[Bill Orton] Here's a game I played in the first round, where I got to sacrifice a rook "out of the blue". My 14 ... Qe7! was a good move. I thought I did well to go into the good vs bad bishop game with 19 ... e5. I finished by playing the Q vs 2R ending accurately.

Players: Post your good games, annotated or not, to the ACA Facebook page or your local club's page. The webmaster will get them from there. Thank you.

[ 6/25/2024 ]

Jackson Painter wins
2024 Arkansas Open

Jackson Painter was undefeated in this six round event in Russellville directed by Nick Jagger. Full results and crosstable can be found here.

1 JACKSON PAINTER 1761 5.5 1st Place
2 CHUMA IKEHORA 2020 5 2nd Place
3 BILL ORTON 2200 4.5 3rd Place
4 JERRY WELLS 1792 4.5 3rd Place

Bill Orton: Here's a game I had with the Hogeye Gambit (Modern Two Knights variation) showing how opposite colored bishops may not be drawish if you have a good attacking position.

[ 12/16/2023 ]

Arkansas Chess League Starts

The Arkansas Chess League is underway. Team Northwest Arkansas had a fantastic battle against Team Central Arkansas in Little Rock on December 16. Our top four boards faced off against their top four boards and the match came down to the top board.

Central Arkansas was ahead 2-1 and just needed to secure a draw to win the match. In an intense position and mutual time scramble it was the Central Arkansas flag that fell and NWA was able to draw the match. There are no tiebreak rules established yet so the match will remain a peaceful result. Fun was had by all. We will be facing off against Jonesboro early next year at our home site and traveling to Beebe to face off against White County. Let me know if you have interest in participating and i can add you to our player pool. Only Requirements are a current USCF membership.

Central Arkansas Result Northwest Arkansas Result
Chuma Ikeorha 0 Thomas Waymouth 1
William Donham 1 Rolyn Kropf 0
Joseph Holmes 1 David Morgan 0
Craig Hillyard 0 Justin Pockrus 1
  2   2



[ 12/02/2023 ]

David Phillips wins Fayetteville Winter Classic

David Phillips won with 4.5 out of 5.

The 2023 FCC Winter Classic, sponsored by Taco Bell is in the books! We had 48 people from across the state come and play which is a new high for us. Congrats to David Phillips who ran away with the Open section with a score of 4.5/5 . Brian Rude from Missouri and our current State Champion Bill Orton shared the 2nd and 3rd place prize with a score of 4.0/5. In the Beginner section we had a four way tie for first place. Congrats to Nathan Gosman, Jasper Hall, Aryyan Vineeth, and Eshwar Atmakuri for fantastic performances. Thank you to everyone who came out to play! and of course a big thanks to Taco Bell for the sponsorship! See everyone at the next event! Happy Holidays and Live Mas!   [David Morgan, organizer and TD, reporting.]


Taco Bell sponsored our tournament.