![]() |
1 d4 c5 2 d5(a) d6 3 c4 g6 4 e4 Bg7 5 Nf3(b) e6
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | Evaluation | |
1 | Be2 Nf6 |
Nc3 ed5 |
cd5 0-0 |
0-0 a6 |
a4 Bg4 |
Bf4 |
+= |
2 | |
ed5 0-0 |
0-0 Re8 |
h3 Bf5 |
Bd3 Ne4 |
Ne4 Be4 |
Be4 Re4 |
Qc2 Re8 |
+= |
3 | Bd3 ed5 |
cd5 Bg4 |
0-0 Nf6 |
h3 Bf3 |
Bf3 Nbd7 |
+= |
4 | |
ed5 Qe7 |
Be2 Nh6 |
0-0 Nd7 |
= |
5 | h3 ed5 |
cd5 Nf6 |
Bd3 0-0 |
0-0 c4 |
Bc2 b5 |
Re1 a5 |
= |
6 | |
ed5 Nd7 |
Nc3 Ne5 |
Ne5 Be5 |
Bd3 Ne7 |
= |
7 | de6 Be6 |
Nc3 Nc6(c) | Bd2 Nf6 |
Bd3 0-0 |
0-0 Ng4 |
Nd5 Nge5 |
= |
8 | |
Bf4 Bc3 |
bc3 Nf6 |
Ng5 h6 |
Ne6 fe6 |
=+ |
a) 2 dxc5 e6 is easy equality. White should avoid the trap 3 b4? a5 4 c3 axb4 5 cxb4 Qf6. b) Nc3 on move five or six transposes to the Banzai Benoni. c) The Banzai exchange 7 ... Bxc3 is also equal. |
White: Akiba Rubinstein • Black: Rudolf Spielmann Bad Pistyan 1912 A43 Old Benoni Defense Notes by Dr. Savielly Tartakower. 2 d5 d6 3 c4 g6 4 e4 Bg7 5 Bd3 e6 It will be noticed that Black carefully refrains from blocking the long diagonal either by 5 ... e5 or, even temporarily, by ; 5 ... Nf6. 6 Nc3 Ne77 Nge2 Here 7 f4 , followed by Nf3, leads to more straightforward development. 7 ... exd58 exd5 Nd7 9 f4 Nf6 10 Ng3 h5 Sounding the general attack. 11 O-O h412 Nge4 Nxe4 13 Bxe4 Bd4+ |
14 Kh1 Nf5 Black's attack has quickly assumed a concrete form. The text move announces the well-known attack by 15...Ng3+. 15 Bxf5 Bxf516 Re1+ Kf8 17 Qf3 White seeks to avoid fresh weaknesses; e.g., if 17 Be3 Bxc3 18 bxc3 h3 19 g3 Be4+ 20 Kg1 f5 or (20 ... Bg2 , and White's position remains restricted. ) 17 ... h318 g3 Evidently not 18 g4?? Qh4 18 ... Qd719 Bd2 Bg4 20 Qf1 Qf5 21 Rac1 Kg7 22 Be3 Bf6 23 b3 Rhe8 24 Bf2 Bf3+ 25 Kg1 Bg2 26 Rxe8 Bxf1 27 Rxa8 Qd3 28 Re8 Qf3 29 Kxf1 Qh1+ 30 Bg1 Qg2+ 31 Ke1 Qxg1+ 32 Kd2 Qxh2+ 0-1 For if 33 Ne2 Qg2 34 Rg1 Qxg1! 35 Nxg1 h2 0-1 , etc. |